With May being Skin Cancer Awareness month it was a critical time in the calendar for LifeJacket to d
rive awareness and understanding of why it is so important to check and protect your skin. Our brief was to create a campaign that would cut through the generic skin care, beauty orientated marketing noise and get to the heart of the issue.
We created a disruptive and thought provoking campaign using powerful imagery of a non-assuming skin blemish, which was in fact a melanoma, to dramatise the campaign headline – “Doesn’t look like much, but it’s skin cancer”. We used a combination of digital OOH in London rail termini and paid social advertising to drive national reach of our core 25-54 male audience. The hero campaign was also supported by a series of shocking ‘skin facts’ taken from a bespoke quantitative survey, to educate and drive further recognition of the need for people to up their skin protection game.
The campaign delivered some of the highest click through rates for the brand in its marketing history and the highest ever sales seen in May.